

作者:     日期: 2022/12/30    點擊率: 1580     文字大?。?nbsp;     
How to operate international trade in China after established a representative office or a wholly-owned foreign trading company.
In my daily work, many clients ask me: ‘We are an international trade Company in China, dealing in import-export trading. We hear about that we can do import and export trading whether I establish a representative office or a wholly-owned foreign trading company. Could you tell me the advantages and disadvantages between it? Which way is more suitable for us?’  Here, I’ll expound this question briefly, hope it’ll be helpful to you.
Declare firstly, this article is mainly from the point of view for business operation. Not emphasize the differences between representative office and foreign funded trading company.
1. The way to operate representative office:
Representative office: established by foreign enterprises/organization or by individual directly.
A representative office can’t deal with international trade directly, because it can’t apply for import-export license and VAT general taxpayer qualification. Therefore, you must find an international company act as an agent, if you want to do import-export trading.
Export: Representative office’s function is to contact between suppliers and export agent, to assure the quality of the goods and delivery time, and tail after the place of delivery. Supplier deliver goods to export agent, then export agent export to overseas.
Import: Representative office’s function is similar to export. The concrete way is as follows:
1. If you don’t want purchaser contact overseas suppliers directly(because in this condition, in case they get the contact way of other side each other, they can do business directly.)
Contact with the supplier overseas to deliver the goods to the parent company of this representative office, then sends out to the inland purchaser.)
2. If you think it is no problem that purchaser and supplier contact with each other, you can let overseas supplier to deliver goods to inland purchaser directly. But the capital, overseas supplier should remit it to parent company, and then remit to inland purchaser.
Through an agent company to do it, all the export tax rebates will give to exporter. If you do it through manufacturer, it’ll return to manufacturer; if you export it through agent, then it’ll return to agent. Representative office can’t get the export tax rebates, to say nothing of Parent Company overseas.
If you do import-export business through agent, you should pay 2-3% total value of the goods to agent.
1) 初期投入成本低;
2) 運營成本相差無幾,稍微比貿易公司少一點
The advantage of this way (establish representative office) is:
1)  Cost invested in the first stage is low.
2)  Operation cost is very close, a little lower than trading company.
1)  由于不能以代表處的名義購買貨物,所以必須通過代理商。所以付款有可能延遲,影響國內生意;
2)  不能做國內貿易;
3)  給進出口公司2-3%的代理費,價格也挺高的;
4)  必須租賃涉外寫字樓
1)  Because representative can not buy goods in china directly, so suppliers have to through agent to export. So, maybe lead to payment delay;
2)  Can not do business/trading directly in china;
3)  Should be pay 2-3% fee to export/import agent, it has to be.
4)  Must rent the house used by foreign company;
The WFOE trading company has export and import rights, can buy goods in china and sell goods to the others country directly.
1)  可以節省貨物總額2-3%的代理費;
2)  可以自己獲得出口退稅;退稅額一般是17%增值稅中的13-15%;
3)  貨物可以直接賣給母公司或者國外的客戶;
4)  也可在國內采購,在國內銷售,做國內的貿易。
1)  Can save 2-3% agent fee of total goods value;
2)  Can get tax rebates, you can get 13-15% export-tax-return from VAT 17%;
3)  Can sell goods to parent company or the clients in aboard;
4)  Can buying, selling, do trading in china.
1)  公司需要招聘懂得進出口的專職人員,最好是報關員;
2)  對會計的要求交高,需要完整做賬;
3)  初次成立的成本比代表處高。一般需要5500美金,代表處只要1200美金;
4)  設立的時間長,需要3-4個月;
5)  需要至少打入國內14萬美金的注冊資金。
1)  Trading company must hire import/export professionals;
2)  Need a demanding accounting;
3)  The company incorporation fee will be higher then setup representative office. Its need 5500us$ to setup trading company, but it’s need 1200us$ to setup a representative office in china.
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